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13/53 Alice St . Lakemba 29/10/87 Dear Grandpa and Grandma, Yesterday at my school we had international Day. We had performance, food stall, displays, raffle, ticket draw and some of us were dressed in costumes. We started our day off with performance but the one liked best was the one from fourth grade. It was about games . the performance I was in was called Labamba. Straight after our performance we had our lunch . There were food stalls. They came from Australia , Asian, Arabic and Greece . Everyone had a job . These people were from sixth grade . I did my job after I had lunch. My job was to tell international Day Books. We had display in the hall. These display were good but I didn’t get to see them. The displays came from a lot of countries. There was also a trash and treasures stall where they sell toys. The school got these things by asking the children to bring them in.
FINAL ASSIGNMENT TEXT READING Driving without seats belt     Nowadays, the police have been applying the new regulation concerning the use of seat belts. In European countries, this regulation has been applied for a long time. However, this new regulation has become controversial and is an interesting topic to discuss. Here are some of the argument. The use of seat belt has been proven to reduce the risk of injury or death in an accident. Seat belt have become a standard component in cars. The research shows that most car accidents will cause an injury to the head. Frequently, drivers or the passengers driving without seat belts die because of this. By wearing the seat belts, the injury will not happen since the seat belts restrain our body on the car seat when a accident happens.

key maker artisteer version 2.3 ke bawah

Mestinya sobat Blogger sudah tahu kan artisteer itu apa. Yap, sekarang ini saya mau sharing tentang artister. Melalui mbah google kita bisa mencari ratusan template untuk web site kita baik yang bangun dengan cms semisal jomla, drupal ataupun yang berbasic blog semisal wordpress atau blogger. Tetapi kadang kala template yang sudah di sediakan untuk kita download tidak benar-benar seperti yang kita harapkan. Bagi yang menguasai bahasa pemrograman pembuatan website dan menguasai grafik desain seperti photoshop mungkin bukan hal yang susah untuk membuat template sendiri, tetapi bagaimana dengan orang yang tidak mengusai keduanya tetapi ingin membuat template yang bagus dan sesuai yang diharapkan. Solusinya adalah menggunakan software pembuatan template, salah satunya adalah Artisteer pendisain web otomatis versi 2 ( Artisteer adalah sebuah program pembuat template web secara otomatis secara instan, tampilan yang fantastis unik yang bisa di export untuk berbagai...

firefox anda bisa dipercepat !!!!

Mungkin anda belum tahu bahwa firefox anda bisa di percepat yang pertama anda Buka Firefox. ( yang tentunya Online ) 1. Pada address bar ketik about:config dan klik enter. Jika keluar tombol I’ll be careful, I promise! klik saja. 2. Klik kanan di layar Firefox yang Anda lihat (dimana saja di bawah Preference Name) kemudian arahkan mouse pada new lalu integer. 3. Pada kotak dialog New integer value - Enter the preference name isi dengan nglayout.initialpaint.delay . lalu saat kotak dialog lain muncul isi nilainya (value) dengan 0 (nol) . 4. Pada Filter Bar (Filter:) letaknya ada di bawah tab yg Anda buka ketik pipelining . 5. Klik dua kali (double klik) pada tulisan network.http.pipelining agar settingannya berubah menjadi true. 6. Lalu klik dua kali (double klik) pada network.http.pipelining.maxrequests setelah keluar kotak dialognya isi dengan nomor antara 10 hingga 30 . Saya sendiri mengisi 30 untuk lebih maksimal. 7. Beres dan restart Firefox Anda. Langkah di atas merupakan cara un...


MAKALAH Motivasi belajar Dosen Pengampu : Drs. Mayis Casdari, S.Pd Mata Kuliah : Belajar dan Pembelajaran Dibuat Oleh: Sintia Aprilyani ( 08.0096.I ) Kelas Inggris Pagi B Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan UNIVERSITAS PEKALONGAN 2009 Bab I Pendahuluan A. Latar Belakang Proses belajar mengajar tidak bisa terlepas dari berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi dan menunjang keberlangsunganya. Bagi lembaga pendidikan, setelah menentukan program-progam dan kurikulum pendidikan, haruslah mempunyai prinsip dalam menentukan arah tekhnis pelaksanaan cita-cita dari progam dan kurikulum yang telah dicanangkan. Salah satu penunjang utamanya adalah, adanya motivasi belajar bagi peserta didik yang terstruktur dan terkonstruksi

13 text reading

Recount Barbecue in the Park Last Sunday, my friend and I went to the park because David’s family invited us to a barbecue party in the park. We lived nearby so we just walked there. When we got to the park, there were not many people. David’s family was already there. They arrived there early to get the best picnic spot with an electronic barbecue grill nearby. When we arrived, they were cleaning the barbecue. After making sure the barbecue was clean, they turned the barbecue on by pushing the button. The electric stove turned on and the metal plate became hot. David’s mother put some cooking oil on the metal plate, and after that she put some sausages, beef steaks, and some onions on the barbecue. Meanwhile, David’s father was preparing the bread, butter, and the drinks. While waiting for the meat to cook, David and I joined other boys playing football. When we got tired, we stopped and enjoyed the sausages, steaks, and some cold soft drinks. The food was delicious. I think David...


1. NARATIVE CINDERELLA Once upon a time there girl called Cinderella. She lived with her stepsisters. They were bossy. She had to do all the housework. One day an invitation to the ball came to family. Her stepsisters would not let her go. Cinderella was sad. The stepsisters went to the ball without her. Fortunately, the fairy grandmother came and helped her to get to the ball. At the ball, Cinderella danced with the prince. The prince fell in love with her and then he married her. They lived happily ever after. I. Topic sentence : Once upon a time there was girl called Cinderella Main Idea : Cinderella live with her stepsisters A Supporting point : She lived with her step sister B Supporting point : They were bossy Supporting detail : she had to do all the housework II. Topic sentence : One they an invitation to the ball came to the family Main idea ; Supporting point : Her stepsisters would not let her go Supporting detail : 1. Cinderella sad. 2. The sist...


BASIC TIPES OF LISTENING As with all effective test, designing appropriate assessment task in listening begins with specification of objectives or criteria. Those objectives may be classified in terms of several types of listening performance. • The following process flash through your brain. 1. Recognize speech sounds and hold a temporary of them in short-term memory 2. Simultaneously determine the type of speech event. 3. Use knowledge to make interpretation 4. In most cases (except for repetition tasks, which involved short term memory only) • Each of these stage represent a potential assessment objective:  Comprehending of surface structure elements such as a phoneme, words, intonation, or grammatical category.  Understanding of pragmatic context.  Determining of auditory input  Developing the gist, a global or comprehensive understanding. From this stages we can derive four commonly identify types of listening : 1. Intensive Example phonemes, words, intonation, discourse maker...
ASSESSMENT AND TEACHING Assessment and teaching • A. Assessment : is on going process that encompasses a much rider domain. example : if a student responds to a question, offers a comment, or tries out a new word or structure. • B. Test : - a subset of assessment. - form of assessment. - can be useful devices. - one of many procedures and task to assess students. C. Teaching Sets up the Practice games of language learning opportunities for learners to: - Listen. - Think. - Task risk. - Set goals. - Process feedback from the coach. - Recycle through the skills that are trying to master. A diagram of the relationship among testing, teaching, and assessment. TESTS Norm- referenced and criterion- Referenced test. • Norm-referenced test. Based on the scores ( mean, median, standard, deviation ) For example : TOEFL. • Criterion-Referenced test. Usually in the form of grades, on specific course or lesson objective. Classroom tests involving the students in only one class, and connected to a c...

summary :Assessment and Teaching.

Summary : Learning is a learning process of knowledge from the teacher to the students, were the teacher extend the material and the student will response or give feedback by way of answering the question of give their commend and that cases well be scored by the teacher as part of learning, it’s not scoring but assessments. The kinds of assessments are : 1. Informal assessments Informal assessments can take a number of forms, starting with incidental, unplanned comments and responses, along with coaching and other impromptu feedback to the student. 2. Formal assessments. Formal assessments are exercises or procedures specifically designed to tap into a store house of skills and knowledge. They are systematic planned sampling techniques constructed to give teacher and student an appraisal of student achievement. 3. Formative assessment. Formative assessment evaluating students in the process of ’’ forming ” their competencies and skills with the goal of helping them to continue that ...


Assalamualaikum wr.wb. 1. Good afternoon everybody in the special occasion Our group will present our presentation, we would like to discuss ASSESSMENT AND TEACHING 2. We would like to introduce the members of the group the first my self GUNAWAN as moderator and then Miss purwanti, Maya muktiasih and ika deka as speaker. 3. I’ have devided my presentation in two section, they are question and answer section and give the conclude our presentation. Now miss purwanati/ ika/ maya will answer your question. 4. Let’s invite Mr. purwanti as speaker. (the flor is your) 5. It’s time is question and answer section. *We would like triple to ask their question,..before you ask yhe question,, please mention your name and stend up 6. Thank for your question. Please give is time for processing your question. 7. Now it’s time for the summary for Miss Purwanti / maya ? ika kuda (the floor is your )=(WAK TU DAN TEMPAT KU PERSILAHKAN ) 8. Thank’S YOUR ATTENTION.

TOPIC SENTENCE and a controlling IDEA

TOPIC SENTENCE and a controlling IDEA Example :Driving on freeways requires skill and alertness. *Driving on freeways : topic sentence. *skill and alertness :controlling idea. Make a topic sentence and a controlling idea. ! No.1 is done for you !!!!! 1. driving Tokyo requires nerves of steel. *Driving in Tokyo : Topic sentence. *Nerves of steel : controlling idea. 2. Driving in Tokyo requires an aggressive attitude. 3. living in a dormitory helps foreign students improve their English faster. 4. Living in a dormitory help foreign students learn about American culture more quickly. 5. living in a dormitory may cause severe culture e shock for some foreign students. 6. San Francisco has a great variety of ethnic neighborhood. 7. San Francisco is famous for its temperate climate. 8. San Francisco is well known for its many tourist attraction. 9. Meeting and making friends with American is a major problem for foreign students. 10. communicating in English is a major problem ...


Verb Tenses Simple Present / Present Continuous 1. Every Monday, Sally (drive) her kids to football practice. 2. Usually, I (work) as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I (study) French at a language school in Paris. That is why I am in Paris. 3. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) . 4. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It (rain) . 5. I hate living in Seattle because it (rain, always) . 6. I'm sorry I can't hear what you (say) because everybody (talk) so loudly. 7. Justin (write, currently) a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a good publisher when he is finished. 8. A: Do you want to come over for dinner tonight? B: Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I (go) to a movie tonight with some friends. 9. The business cards (be, normally ) printed by a company in New York. Their prices (be) inexpensive, yet the quality of their work is quite good. 10. This delicious chocolate (be) made by a small chocolatier in Zurich, Switzerland. Verb Tense Simple...


TEFL DESCRIBING LEARNERS AGE • Is a major factor in our decisions about how and what to teach. • Children learn language faster than adults do (plasticity of a young brain). • Adults have so many barriers to learning (both because of the slowing effects of ageing and because of their past experience). Young Children (up to nine or ten) • They respond to meaning even if they do not understand individual words • They often learn indirectly rather than directly- they take in information from all sides, learning from everything around them rather than only focusing on the precise topic they are being taught. • Their understanding comes not just from explanation, but also from what they see and hear and crucially, have a chance to touch and interact with. • They generally display an enthusiasm for learning and a curiosity about the world around them. • They have a need for individual attention from the teacher. • They are keen to talk about themselves, and respond well to learning that use...