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13/53 Alice St.
Dear Grandpa and Grandma,
Yesterday at my school we had international Day. We had performance, food stall, displays, raffle, ticket draw and some of us were dressed in costumes.
We started our day off with performance but the one liked best was the one from fourth grade. It was about games . the performance I was in was called Labamba.
Straight after our performance we had our lunch . There were food stalls. They came from Australia , Asian, Arabic and Greece.
Everyone had a job . These people were from sixth grade . I did my job after I had lunch. My job was to tell international Day Books.
We had display in the hall. These display were good but I didn’t get to see them. The displays came from a lot of countries.
There was also a trash and treasures stall where they sell toys. The school got these things by asking the children to bring them in.

After lunch we had a raffle ticket draw. I didn’t win anything but a lot of people did.
Although I didn’t anything , International Day was still fun.
Love, from Guntur
A. Complete the text using appropriate verb /be!
· use of who: I, We
· use of when : Yesterday
· use of where : at my school
· what : International Day
B. identity the generic Structure of the text !
Answer :
· Specific participant : I, We
C. Analyze the use of language features !
Answer :
· Past tense : Had, started, liked, was, had, were, came, had, got, did.
· Action verb : had, started, liked, bring ( in form Present )
· Temporal conjunction : After.
Tell readers what happened in the past through a sequence of events
Social function
Text organization
Personal recount:
· Orientation ( pengenalan ) : provides the setting to introduces participant ( who, were involved in the story, when and where ).
· Events (peristiwanya ): tell what happened in a chronological order.
· Evaluation : Comments of the writer / speaker due to the experience.
· Reorientation : Optional – The conclusion on the experience.
Features recounts :
· Orientation : who were involved in the story, when and where.
· Events : tell what happened in a chronological order.
Language Feature
- The use of action verbs ( Went, spent, played )
- The use of past tense, For example : We went for a trip to the Zoo.
- The use of time conjunction: ( and , but ,after finally )
- The use of adverb and Adverbial of phrases ( kata keterangan ) For example : in my house , two days ago, slowly, sunny , yesterday.
- Focus on the specipic participants
- Use of temporal conjunction : While. After, Then

Recount is often used in ( Sering di gunakan dalam ) :
· Journal.
· Diary.
· Personal letter.
· History.
· Biography / Autobiography.
· POLICE report.
· Journey report.


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